Food for Thought: Boosting Physical and Mental Wellness with the Help of Nutrition and Our Mind – An Interview with Karin Hermoni, PhD

Have you heard of the mind-body connection? It refers to the intricate connection between our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs and the influence it has on our physical health. Furthermore, how we treat our physical body (what we eat, exercise, sleep) plays a significant role in our mental health. Learn more about this fascinating topic in our interview with Dr. Karin Hermoni, where she discusses just how powerful our thoughts and feelings can be. (more…)

DASH Diet Intervention Decreases Plasma Choline and Total Ceramides in Older Adults

Written by Taylor Woosley, Staff Writer. Results of the parallel design human-controlled feeding trial of 28 older adults consuming either 3 oz or 6 oz of lean beef daily while following the DASH diet for 12 weeks show a 22.1% reduction in total plasma ceramide at week 6 (p < 0.001) and a 9.6% decrease in plasma choline at week 12 (p = 0.012).  (more…)