Japanese Study Finds B-Vitamins Help Heart Health

Written by Greg Arnold, DC, CSCS. This 14-year followup of a Japanese study of 23,119 men and 35,611 women found that those men with the highest folic acid intake had a 50% decreased risk of heart failure, while those women with the highest folic acid intake had a 37% reduced risk of stroke, a 43% reduced risk of heart disease, and a 17% reduced risk of overall cardiovascular disease.


Vitamin D May Be Associated with Higher Serum HDL Cholesterol and Lower Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome

Written by Susan Sweeny Johnson, PhD. In this study of 257 adult men and women,  those with higher Vitamin D levels also had elevated HDL cholesterol and decreased waist circumference thus demonstrating that higher Vitamin D levels may help reduce metabolic syndrome. (more…)