2009 AOCS Symposium

Fatty Acids in Health Promotion: Recent Developments. See presentations by Marie-Pierre St. Onge, PhD, Edward Farnsworth, PhD, Sherma Zibadi, MD, PhD, Gunther Bodon, MD. (more…)

2006 AOCS Symposium

Controversy over the Role of Natural Vitamin E in Reducing Leading Causes of Death. See presentations by Michael Lelah, PhD, Qing Jiang, PhD, Barrie Tan, PhD, Sridevi Devaraj, PhD, Chandan Sen, PhD, Neil Levin, CCN. (more…)

2005 AOCS Symposium

Fatty Acids and Other Nutritional Supplements; New Research Making Health Affordable. See presentations by Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, Ron Watson, PhD, Vijaya Juturu, PhD, Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, Bruce Holub, PhD. (more…)

Advanced Glycation End Products Associated With Cataract Formation in Individuals with Diabetes

Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. In all four senile groups, the serum AGEs were significantly (Pb.001) lower in young control subjects thus corroborating the hypothesis that the advanced glycation process might have a role in cataract formation, which in diabetic patients is far more prevalent compared to nondiabetic cataract patients.  (more…)

Fish Oil in Pregnancy Shown to Lessen Asthma in Children

Written by Jessica Patella, ND. Analysis of 695 children (3 years post-delivery) revealed that children of mothers who supplemented with fish oil in the third trimester of their pregnancies had a 16.9% reduction in persistent wheeze and asthma compared to 23.7% in the control group, corresponding to a relative reduction of 30.7%.

Scallop-Derived Plasmalogen Improves Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Mild Alzheimer’s Disease

Written by Angeline A. De Leon, Staff Writer. Of the study participants with mild Alzheimers, those who supplemented with a scallop-derived plasmalogen significantly improved their memory compared to the control group. Also significant was the memory improvement in a subgroup of participating females and those who were younger than 77 years of age. (more…)